
February 1928.

An expedition led by Sir Beldon Frye disappears somewhere in the Sinai Peninsula. A team of four and a dozen local porters were looking for the Lost Pyramid of Nebka… Or more precisely, “something” that should have been there. They were never seen again. Using the simulation reconstructed from their DNA memory, your team will put themselves in the shoes of the explorers. Find out what happened to the expedition. And more importantly, locate what they were looking for.

In the game, 2 or 4 players team up and have 60 minutes to find a way out of the pyramid of Nebka. Players will live a larger-than-life adventure. An adventure that would be far too dangerous or just impossible to live in real life.


  • slam
    Nov 17, 2021
    Sjajno iskustvo, prvi put sam odigrao VR escape, Game Master odlican, preporucujem i za pocetnike!
  • Vermin
    Aug 10, 2020
    Sjajna igra za upliv u VR svet, zagonetke su manipulativne sto otvara novu dimenziju mogucnosti u odnosu na klasicni escape, i cini avanturu igrivijom. Najtoplija preporuka kako za pocetnike tako i za iskusne eskejpere!
  • Aca
    Dec 07, 2019
    Odlično urađen escape room za ne-profesionalce. Izvanredna grafika nadoknađuje lakše zagonetke. U svakom slučaju prvo ovu sobu odigrati pre nego to se ode pred Meduzu!
  • orphanViking
    Oct 05, 2019
    Kompletno osvezavajuce iskustvo nakon ne-VR escape soba. Zadaci su svi mehanicki (nema brojeva, reci..). Igrica je odlicno odradjena od strane Ubisoft-a. VR je izuzetno zivopisan, mozak se brzo adaptira i strah vas je da zakoracite na "ivicu". Game master je takodje odlican. Preporuka: Igrati ovu sobu prvo, pa tek onda "BEYOND MEDUSA'S GATE".
  • pyp1337
    Nov 27, 2023
    Jedva cekam da idem opet :)
  • šljiva
    Sep 27, 2021
    jaaaaaako velika preporuka
  • Olivera B
    Jun 22, 2022
    Bilo nam je zabavno da probamo ali po nama ovo ne spada u escape room
  • Noa
    May 04, 2022

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