
Go from stone axe to space travel in 60 minutes. Find the secret of the runes. Experience the very moments of the biggest scientific discoveries in the history of mankind. Be in the role of Ramesses, Leonidas, Isaac Newton, Mendeleev, Stephenson, Tesla... The room holds eons and the door is waiting to be opened...

At the dawn of civilization the first writings emerged - the ancient runes. What role in the evolution of mankind did these symbols have? Are the rituals associated with the constellations of the zodiac? Link the eclipses of the sun and the moon with the mysterious stones of Stonehenge! Is the answer hidden in the circle of the monolith?


  • Lucano
    Apr 21, 2019
    Ubedljivo najgora soba koju sam odigrao. Em što ne radi ništa em što nije za više od 2 igrača (ostali prosto nemaju šta da rade) ma kršina.
  • mrmeeseeks
    Jul 23, 2019
    Prosečna soba, ima par zanimljivih zadataka, atmosfera ne baš toliko dobra.
  • zelstan
    Feb 22, 2020
    Posle nje smo napravili dužu pauzu od escape room-ova, ostavila loš utisak
  • Poster
    Nov 30, 2019
    Ne sviđa mi se soba zaista. Posetio sam dvocifren broj soba, ova je najlošija :(
  • Tasha6
    Apr 22, 2019
    Moglo je bolje, dobra ideja..
  • Jovana
    Jun 14, 2019
    Jedna od najlosijih soba koje sam igrala, sve vreme smo skupljali neke tragove redjali da bi izasli iz sobe da ih ne iskoristimo. Na sta smo dobili odgovor e pa izbacili smo zagonetku jer je mnogo ljudi nije resilo.

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