
Leonardo Da Vinci left many secrets hidden throughout his famous paintings. Researcher Robert Langdon who was deeply involved in unraveling the symbolism in Da Vinci’s works has mysteriously disappeared! It is suspected that he revealed some well kept secret that he was not supposed to reveal and now he’s been captured by religious fanatics from an ancient secret society. Through a reliable source you got the location of Langdon’s hidden office where he made his latest discoveries. You have to continue where the professor left off. Centuries of research are now in your hands.


  • Kobayashi
    May 30, 2022
    Zanimljive zagonetke , ali iskreno kao da je nesto nedostajalo sve vreme . Atmosfera nista posebno , smoren game master , los razglas . Moze to i bolje , ali vredi probati !
  • Comili
    Nov 06, 2020
    Elegantno urađena soba sa jednom zagonetkom koja nam se možda i najviše svidela od svih do sada. Preporuke za ovu sobu i za ovu firmu u NS, momci su jako ljubazni
  • tammil
    Jan 27, 2024
    Bili smo u dosta Escape room-ova međutim ova nam je ostavila loš utisak. Mehanizmi i lock-ovi nisu funkcionisali, više puta je morao GM da ulazi da nam pomogne jer je oprema razdrndana što nam je kvarilo tok igre.

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